
Our super boys by Benjam Button x It's Love Devine

Angel's Pride Quizz Master

Angel's Pride Qash Qai

Thanks to Anette Klitta for the lovely photos!

Repeat mating of the Gees

UK CH Maibee Make Believe x CH Angel's Pride Anastacia

Santa Claus & Co




Angelspride Cavalier King Charles Spaniel


Our philosophy in breeding: Health - Character - Beauty

All our Cavaliers are members of our family. This is very important, especially
in the first weeks of a young puppy's life
as the character if forming.
The puppies and mum live in our kitchen directly by the garden,
so we can keep an eye on them all the time.
 Before the babies leave our home they are used to the sound of household noises
 like the vacuum cleaner and well socialised by the kitchen being full of children.

All our dogs are health tested before we use them at stud.



For more puppy-pics please click the angel