UK CH Angel's Pride Gentle Star
am 29.04. 2011 auf der CC-Show Welks ihr 4. Englisches CC
Richterin: Mrs. Kirstie McMurray
spektakuläre Richterkritik von Mrs. Kirstie McMurray
über unsere Paula:
Blen bitch
who I found captivating, everything about her screams femininity
from the tip of her jet black nose to the end of her perfectly set tail.
Her expression is delightful and her beautiful large dark lustrous eyes that
melt you,
framed by well set and feathered ears.
Well arched neck set on well laid shoulders and correct front, good spring of
rib and
nice turn of stiffle with well let down hocks.
She is perfectly proportioned in every way and moves round the ring with the
‘look at me’ attitude
with a perfectly set tail and croup. Well marked and coat of lovely texture.
Both in the class and the line up she was on her toes and couldn’t deny giving
the CC amongst a wealth of quality.
Wir sind mehr als
stolz, dass unser kleiner Star eine so
wunderbare Bewertung in Worten gefasst erhält von einer
Rassespezialistin aus England.
Das bedeutet uns mehr als viel.
VIELEN DANK Mrs. Kirstie McMurray!
Sie ist somit der
einzige Cavalier ausserhalb Englands und Irlands mit 4 Tickets und 1 Res Ticket
of the Year 2010 - Our Dogs Puppy Trophy Winner -
- CC & ResBIS auf der Englischen Clubshow -
Winner Dutch Club-Show BOB
CC + Best Adulte CC at the Frensh Club Show
Der jüngste
Oversea-Champion aller Zeiten
5 x BOB (Deutschland & Holland)
4 CACs aus Deutschland
1 CACIB Arnheim
4 CACs aus Holland
1 CAC aus Frankreich
CC-Show Southern Counties, UK
photo by Pauline Jordens
Ch. Angel's Pride Gentle Star
erhält das ResCC unter
Mr. Dennis Homes!
(bitch entry 122)
A blenheim bitch of the highest order.
Only 19 months but with an illustrious CV and no doubt
a lot more top winning still yet to come.
There’s no denying the beautiful head that this girl has.
Large, dark, lustrous eyes, rich pigment and ample filling under the eyes
but with a nicely tapered muzzle of the correct length.
A correct earset and a good reach of neck that’s nicely arched.
A well proportioned body that’s sufficiently short coupled
and a deep chest and good spring of rib.
She’s quite exuberant and thinks that the show ring is for having fun,
therefore keeping her handler on her toes! A true toy spaniel that moves well.
she makes the diffrent, ... quality and size matters ...
A true "Toy-Spaniel"
Despite her size she has it all: body, bone and substance!
photo: Unni Lima-Olsen
Auf der wichtigen Parent-Club-Show in England
holt unsere Paula das 3. CAC und darf sich nun
Englischer Champion nennen!
Wir danken dem Richter Kevan Berry (Ricksbury) von ganzem
Herzen, dass er unsere Gentle Star gekrönt hat!
Mein Gott, was für ein Tag für uns und Maibee-Cavaliers in UK!
Paula erhält hinter ihrem Daddy Ch. Maibee Make Believe als I-Tüpfelchen
und mit der Zustimmung der Richterin Mrs. Marilyn Claydon das
Res. Best In Show!
Entry: 348 Cavaliers
photo: Unni Lima-Olsen
Richterkritik Mr. Kevan Berry:
Absolutely stunning Blen, with the most beautiful head quality and the largest
darkest eyes,
giving a melting expression.
Good pigmentation, nice neck and shoulders. Excellent topline, correct spring of
Good tail set and croup. Moved happily and freely around the ring, displaying
all the characteristics of the breed.
Her size appeals enormously, as does her temperament.
Full of sparkle and in a strong line up I could not overlook this beautiful
and was delighted to award her what I was told was her 3rd CC.
Both myself and my co-judge considered our own CC winners the best
so choice for Best in Show fell to the Referee, who gave her sire the final nod
for BIS.
photo: Unni Lima-Olsen
Mein kleiner Stern!
Danke, dass Du immer gute Laune hast und immer Dein Bestes gibst!
17 Monate jung und bereits UK-Champion!
photo: Unni Lima-Olsen
photo: Alicja
her second CC at the Boston-Show, good 14 month old: My star!
we started breeding we had dreams and goals,
Paula, unser Stern
(UK Ch. Maibee Make Believe x Ch. Angel's Pride Anastacia)
Winner Amsterdam 2010
unter Mr. Michael Forte
Holländische Clubsiegerin 2010 + BOB
unter den Richterinnen Mrs. Sandra Ireland (Charnell)
und Mrs. Caroline Ackroyd (Toraylac)
Paula ist wieder für einige Monate zurück bei uns.
Wir können auf eine erfolgreiche Zeit in England zurück
Best Puppy in Show Blenheim-Palace UK 2010
Auf ihrer zweiten Show in UK:
CAC + Best Puppy in Breed
Somit holte Paula 92 points für die Scoring-Liste
und ist zur Zeit Top-Cavalier-Puppy UK.
Combined Clubs Hosted by CKCSC 22nd August 2010 | Mrs D Fry | Puppy | ![]() |
BP |
Scottish Kennel Club 29th August 2010 | Mrs J Barraclough | Puppy | ![]() |
CC | BP |
City of Bringham 3rd September 2010 | Mr E Paterson | Puppy | ![]() |
BP | |
Richmond 10th September 2010 | Mr D Moger | Puppy | ![]() |
3rd | |
Darlington 19th September 2010 | Mrs E Britt-Nordin | Puppy | ![]() |
2nd | |
Belfast 26th September 2010 | Miss M Morrison | Puppy | ![]() |
BP | |
Driffield 3rd October 2010 | Mrs J Peak | Puppy | ![]() |
BP |
Ein herzliches Dankeschön an Shealagh und Bill
für die perfekte Pflege und das tolle Handling!
photo: Steve Mynott
29.08.2010 erhält sie das Englische
CAC in Schottland
unter der Richterin Mrs. June Barraclough!
Und das aus der Puppy-Class!
Richterkritik Mrs. June Barraclough:
When I saw her enter the ring, this little girl
knocked me speechless.
All the way from Germany with an English sire and German mother,
shows we must be doing something right.
Perfection personified right from her jet black nose to the end of her tail.
She oozes quality.
Prettiest of heads and that expression to die for.
Correct proportions, neck and shoulders, turn of stifle good.
In first class condition, coat gleaming and she floated on the move,
streamline all the way around, keeping her head held high
and demanding people to look at her.
She certainly caught my attention.
If she stays in this county for any length of time
I am convinced she will make the top spot.
Delighted to award her the CC, BPB and BP, just missing out on
the dog being that little more mature.
The Blenheim-Run
photo Agata (Lancante)
Klassensieg und Best Puppy Bitch
der Richterin Mrs. Di Fry
Richterkritik Blenheim-Palace-Show
by Mrs. Diane Fry:
Engel's Angel’s Pride Gentle Star
My notes say "What a cracker"!
Most lovely 10 month blenheim pup with such a super shape,
she is an excellent copy book type with lovely front,
good neck and shoulders, correct bone, good topline and tail carriage.
Her head is feminine with melting expression.
She is so well schooled and has sound happy movement.
photo: Steve Mynott
BP in Show unter Mrs. Di Fry und Mrs. Jeanie Montford
photo: Eva M.
photo: Petra Albrecht
Paulchen Panther, eine Augenweide
photo: Petra Albrecht
photo: Petra Albrecht
Auf ihren ersten beiden Shows in Deutschland:
Deutscher Jugendchampion
2 BOBs, 2 BIS
CAC-Show Langerwehe
Beste Hündin, BOB und Best in
unter den Richtern:
Frau Pamela Runderkamp und Herr Michael Hegarty
An beiden Tagen
Paula im zarten Alter von 6 Monaten
auf der Französischen Clubschow April 2010
Handled by Thierry Carteau
Best Blenheim-Puppy Female
Paula mit 6 Monaten
Puppy Paula, 8 Wochen alt
"A star is born"
Ch. Maibee Make Believe |
Ch. Lanola Santana of Maibee |
Maibee Montrose |
Ch. Lanola Salsa |
Maibee Disenchanted | Ch. Pascavale Enchanted | |
Timsar Miss Jocasta |
Ch. Miletree Nijinski | Ch. Tameline Northern Dancer |
Miletree Evening Dream | ||
Ch. Timsar Miss Teeq |
Linjato Ace of Base |
Timsar Miss Jocasta |