Crown Hunter Opium


(Crown Hunter Dee Jay x Immenhof´s My fair lady)

+ 21.04.2008

Pia was the beginning of Angel's Pride-Cavaliers. She was our first foundation-bitch and we got her from my friend Sylka Eichhof (Crown-Hunter-Kennel). Pia is behind our lovely tricolour-line. She is the mother of Aixtra Girl (World-Junior-Winner Milano 2000, 3 CCs in Germany). Granny to our beautiful Love me Do, littermates Latin Lover (o: Gaby Sporrer) and AKC-Ch. Love-Story (o: Debby Uren and Johann Emedi). Pia also produced Graffitti Girl, successfully shown by her owner Alice Dunn (USA).

Currently we are showing her grand-grand-grand-son Angel's Pride Wicked Wizard Lover. He is doing very well.
The litterbrother Angel's Pride Walking on the Moon, owned by Vicky Gardner, USA, is AKC-Champion!
There are also some lovely Blenheims by her: AKC Ch. Nutcracker-Girl (o: Jo Anne Mittelman), Nautical Nancy (o: Anne Robbins) and Naughty'nd Nasty (o: Judy Gelderman), Atlantic Hopper (o: Simone Frankenberg) and Coconut-Kiss (o: Linda Elliott).


Pia ( 8,5 Jahre alt ) mit ihrer Tochter Aixtra Girl (rechts) und Enkelin Love me Do (li)

Pia was all the time a very healthy girl. In February 2007 she was diagnosted with Pancrias and a while later
we recognized a big tumor at her carotid artery. The operation would have been a big risk. Gladly the tumour
went slow but nearly 1 year later, 21st of april 2008 we let her go to the Rainbow-Bridge.
Of course Pia was very special for me and my family. Her picture with my daughter Janna I can see every morning in the
kitchen. She lives here in her daughter Girlie, her grand-children, great-grand-children,....

We will ever miss her so much, her last breath she did in my arms,....


Crown Hunter  Dee Jay
German Junior-class Champion

Int. Ch.  Ger. Ch.
Royal Companion
Cuddly Dudley , B
Devonvale Thomas
Ch. Cinola S. Trampof Deeriem 
Cinola Chelsea Girl of Devo.
Royal Companion Penny Lane
Berlington  Belg.Ch.Roy.Com.
x Cinola Modern Girl
Fidelle I asked for Alansmere
Ch. Spring Tide at Alansmere, B Homerbrent Jeremey at Cott.
x Alansmere Angel Song
Ch. Fidelle Taffeta
Alansmere Country Boy
x Fidelle Dolly Gray
Immehof´s My Fair Lady
Ger. Ch.
Immenhof´s Donovan

Int. Ch, Ger. Ch.
Royal Companion Cuddly Dudley
Devonvale Thomas
x Royal Companion Penny Lane
Maggie May of Eastcourt
Royal Companion Revolution
x Probe v.Haus v.Steraldted
Judyland Bit of Blarney
Ronnoc Bold Realm from Judyland, B Homerbrent Waltzer
x Ronnoc Angelina
Judyland Lavender
Talark Jamie Lad of Lymrey
x Anna Marie of Judyland