Angel's Pride Aixtra Girl

(Multi-Ch. Island Hopper de Bhoronzov
x Crown Hunter Opium)

* 8.4.1999

+ 19.11.2009

Worldjuniorwimmer 2000
German Junior Champion
2 CACs + 2 Res. CACs


Island Hopper de Bhoronzov
Int., Ch, Frensh Ch, Luxemb.Ch, Belg. Ch.
Int.Ch. Hillyacres Hand-some of Palteemoor
Hillyacres Henry Ch. Alberto of Kindrum
x Hillyacres Daisy Petal
Hillyacres Celtic Charm Ch. Salador Celtic Prince
x Hillyacres Apple Blossom, B
Erin A Tear de Bhoronzov
Hillyacres Traveller´s Joy
Ch. Parkwall Horizon , B
x Hillyacres Daisy May
Wilmont Curra
Alansmere Firedragon, B
x Tess´s Delight
Crown Hunter Opium
Crown Hunter Dee Jay
Germ Junior-Ch.
, B
Int. Germ Ch. Royal
Cuddly Dudley
, B
Devonvale Thomas, B
x Royal Com. Penny Lane, B
Fidelle I asked for Alansmere
Ch. SpringTide at Alansmere
x Ch.Fidelle Taffeta, B
Immenhof´s My Fair Lady
Ger. Ch. Immenhof´s Donovan
Int.Ch.Roy. Com. Cuddley Dudley 
x Maggie May of Eastc
Judyland Bit of Blarney
Ronnoc Bold Real f. Judyland
x Judyland Lavender



Angel's Pride Aixtra Girl
* 08.04.1999

Our Aixtra-Girl is 10 years old today!
Last weekend we showed her in Veteran-Class at the CC-Show Remscheid:

Well broken tri, lovely head, lots of bright tan, good balanced,
in excellente condition for 10 years, credit to her owner,
Vet-CC, 1st place

Michael Levy, Pascavale


April 1999 - our first litter was born
Girlie in the nest with her littermates and mummy Pia 

From the beginning on she was our highlight , wasn't she cute??

Girlie a couple of month old with mummy Crown Hunter Opium

I was so proud of her
.... 10 years .... was it yesterday?

Gladly found in the picture-box, Girlie's Dad "Multi-Ch. Island Hopper de Bhoronzov"

Thanks to my lovely dogs, who let the sun shine every day for us!

Girlie got World-Junior-Winner Milano 2000 under judge Boris Spoljaric
Germ. Junior-Champion, 3 CAC's and some Res.CCs
She is the mother to Ch. Angel's Pride Love Me Do + Ch. Latin Lover + Ch. Love Storie
Grandmother to Ch. Angel's Pride Don Juan, Angel's Pride It's Love Devine
Grand-Grand-Mother to  Wicked Wizard Lover and Walking on the Moon